Teaching Institutions are responsible for facilitating access, managing enrollments, and supporting students from Home Institutions.
Facilitate Students Gaining Access
Resolve methodological issues pertaining to Learning Management System (LMS) and/or course access. This may include, but are not limited to:
- LMS Login Credentials and Course Access
All students must have access to the Teaching Institution’s course, primarily by way of the LMS. How and when course or LMS login credentials are provided is the responsibility of the Teaching Institution.
All students must have access to the Teaching Institution’s course, primarily by way of the LMS. How and when course or LMS login credentials are provided is the responsibility of the Teaching Institution.
Student Information Systems (SIS)
- Depending on the limitations or requirements of an LMS, students may need to be entered into the institution’s SIS. This is a requirement for institutions that accept transfer students on Acadeum Course Share, as transcripts may need to be requested by students.
- Visiting students must be exempt from receipt of inadvertent or inapplicable emails related to billing and campus operations (Financial Aid, for example).
Manage and Update Acadeum Enrollments
Timely Acceptance of Enrollment Requests (within two business days)
Attendance Tracking
All Teaching Institutions are expected to report non-attendees no later than two days prior to the drop date.
All Teaching Institutions are expected to report non-attendees no later than two days prior to the drop date.
Timely Grading (due within 10 days of course completion)
Maintenance of Courses
- Submitting courses and changes to courses
- Removing sections of courses from the platform that are at capacity
Removing courses that are canceled at the institution
Refer student drop or withdraw requests back to the Home Institution
- If performing an administrative drop or withdraw make sure to update Acadeum Course Share as well
Honor the Listed Course Cost
- There may be times where course pricing has been updated. However, once an enrollment is accepted, the cost listed at the time of acceptance must be honored. No price adjustments will be made except under extenuating circumstances.
Provide Resources and Support for Students
Determine the Teaching Student Contact (TSC)
- The TSC will be a person or an email distribution group comprised of individuals that will receive and respond to visiting students’ questions or course-related concerns. The TSC will be listed as the point of contact on the Welcome Letter.
- The TSC will be a person or an email distribution group comprised of individuals that will receive and respond to visiting students’ questions or course-related concerns. The TSC will be listed as the point of contact on the Welcome Letter.
Write your Welcome Letter
- The Welcome Letter is automatically sent to students accepted into a Teaching Institution’s course(s). This letter details necessary course-start information.
Continued Student Support for Course-Related Concerns or Questions
- This may include questions or concerns about curriculum, textbooks, the instructor, tutoring services, attendance policies, and ADA accommodations, among other course-relevant items.
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