When setting up a bank account for the first time or changing your existing bank information, you will need to make sure Acadeum can automatically debit the bank account on file. So, you must have your bank authorize Stripe for ACH transactions (debits and credits). This is required since all bank transactions will run on automatic debit ACH.
If you have access to an ACH filter via your bank you can do this directly, or otherwise the institution can simply forward the ACH IDs to their bank rep via email. Here are the specific ACH IDs and corresponding entity names that must be authorized for both ACH debits and credits:
WFMSTRIPE1 - Stripe Inc. (Credits)
4270465600 - Stripe Payments Company (Debit)
1800948598 - Stripe Payments Company (Debit)
You can also view Stripe's documentation about their ACH IDs here.
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