Release Summary
The December 2021 release focuses on several features and enhancements that provide better customer insights into how users are engaging with Acadeum communications and applications. We also introduce additional integration features for Degree Share.
What’s New
Acadeum Degree Share - Degree APIs
New APIs to support degree sharing including Post, Put, and Delete operations for degree data.
Enrollment Reasons Dropdown
New functionality to capture reasons for request reasons (i.e., student registration, enrollment, drop or withdrawal request) at every conversion point that leads to gained/lost enrollments. See details and screenshots of this functionality in the appendix below.
Distinguishing the Superadmin Role Selection
By rearranging the super admin role selection and adding a modal confirmation window, we will minimize the likelihood of this role being assigned to users outside Acadeum.
Bugs Resolved
The following bugs have been resolved between the November 2021 and December 2021 releases.
Chart Library Updates
An update to the charting library introduced some changes to reports available within Course Share. These were updated to restore original functionality using the new library.
Extended Logout Time
The automatic logout time frame is extended from 15 minutes to 8 hours to be reflective of a standard work day. Users can also choose the Remember Device checkbox at login for their logins to persist beyond the 8-hour period.
Scheduling Approvals Approves All Available Sections
Corrected an issue where approving selected sessions would approve all available sections
Selecting Pencil Icon on Students Table Leads to White Screen for Some Students
Corrected an issue in which the pencil icon on the students table could generate a white screen occasionally.
Updated URL for Support on
The Support URL to link directly to the Institutional Support brand within Zendesk.
Unable to Load Courses with Credit Hour Value of Zero
Added the ability to load courses with zero credit hours. This is useful, for example, when a course has a lecture and a lab, and all of the credit will be tied to the lecture and the lab will be listed as '0' credit.
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