Teaching Institution
Provide access to the Home Institution: Course syllabi, teaching faculty credentials, course learning outcomes assessment documentation, other available information documenting academic quality of coursework
Maintain open dialogue with Home Institution: Course implementation details, course content, learning outcomes assessments, other relevant effectiveness documentation
Home Institution
Review Teaching Institution syllabi: Content, learning outcomes, contact hours, teaching faculty credentials, conformity with other Home Institution standards
Conduct and document periodic reviews of course quality: Include appropriate dialogues with Teaching Institution personnel
Periodic Review Guidelines for Home Institutions
Specify periodic review dates based on accreditation/institutional requirements
List all courses provided by Teaching Institutions
Write a summary description of learning outcomes assessment for Teaching Institution courses
Develop a summary analysis of Teaching Institution-course learning outcomes assessments
Include comparisons with Teaching Institution coursework assessments
Include in these comparisons both Home Institution face-to-face and on-line coursework
Specify face-to-face and on-line course data in these comparisons
If comparisons are not available, specify actions being taken to remediate this defect
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