This strategy makes available to students over a Summer or Winter Term the courses which have the highest rates of the letter grades of D’s and F’s and/or Withdrawals by repeating the course in which they received the D, F, or W under a consortium arrangement, students are able to replace the poor grade or the W with a better grade and thereby improve their GPAs.
Identify courses on campus with high rates of D’s, F’s and W’s
Select consortium course options corresponding to the high D/F/W courses
Identify students at risk of losing good standing
Give students course options to remain in or re-acquire good standing
When putting students on probation or dismissing them at the end of a semester, give them options in the subsequent Summer or Winter Term to get off probation and to return to campus
Give students in good standings options to catch up or accelerate to completion
Inform students about the course options during the March or October advising periods
Enroll students in the consortium courses
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