To find manage enrollments on Acadeum Course Share, select Manage Enrollments from the main navigation on the left side.
This page lists enrollments of your students at other institutions and enrollments in your courses as a Teaching Institution (where applicable). The tab structure allows for seamless navigation between enrollment categories.
In this section there are two sets of tabs to toggle between:
Home Enrollments – view students that you have enrolled in other institutions.
- Live – lists enrollments that are requested, upcoming, or active
- Finalized – lists enrollments that are in any finalized state
Teaching Enrollments – view student requests and enrollments from other institutions for courses at your institution
- Accepted – lists enrollments that have been accepted and are not completed
- Finalized – lists enrollments that are in any finalized state
Additionally, you can use the filters to see enrollments by specific criteria including Teaching Institution (or Home Insitution if viewing Teaching Enrollments), Course, Section, and Status.
To make a change on an enrollment, select the three dots on the right side of the enrollment. The actions you can take on an enrollment depend on the Status. Read more about statuses below.
Status Defintions and Available Actions:
- Accepted/Live – enrollments that are requested, upcoming, or in progress.
- Requested - enrollments that have been requested by the HI but are waiting to be accepted by the TI.
- HI: You can Cancel the request before being accepted by the TI
- TI: You can Accept or Deny the enrollment
- Pending – enrollments that have been accepted by the TI where the course has not yet started.
- HI: You may Drop these enrollments on or before the Last Drop Date
- Active - Pending enrollments automatically move to Active don't he Start Date of the course.
- HI: HI: You may Drop these enrollments on or before the Last Drop Date. After that date, the only option is to Withdraw.
- Due – enrollments for which the course has ended but have not been finalized by the TI.
- TI: These enrollments must be marked as Complete. Additionally, grades must be submitted if Consortial or Dual enrollment type.
- Requested - enrollments that have been requested by the HI but are waiting to be accepted by the TI.
- Finalized – enrollments that are final and designated as:
- Complete – Student fulfilled the requirements to complete the course and grades are/should be available.
- Denied – the enrollment request was denied by the TI.
- Withdrawn – the enrolling home institution withdrew a previously Accepted and Active enrollment after the Add/Drop period. [Learn more about withdrawing a student here.]
- Dropped – the enrolling home institution dropped a previously Accepted and/or Active enrollment before the Add/Drop period ended. [Learn more about dropping a student here.]
- Removed - the HI removed an enrollment request before the TI accepted or denied it.
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